Field Notes For Curious Entrepreneurs


Sharing My Pearls Of Wisdom

Lost your brand voice? Not sure what to do with your blogs when you’ve written them? Don’t know how to reach your target audience? I have some tips for you!

As Heard On Radio Woking….

Click here to listen now. You read that right! On Tuesday I had the fantastic opportunity to be a guest on The Voice of Business radio show, on Radio Woking. I’ll be honest, it was a bit of a scary experience at first. But host Nell made me feel right at home, and before long […]

6 Things To Think About Before You Talk To A Copywriter

When you get to the stage of talking to a copywriter about your project, they’ll have a lot of questions for you. Like, a LOT of questions. Questions you might not have even thought about before, but are important if you want the copywriter to do a half-decent job.

5 Content Lessons You Can Learn From Women’s Underwear

Content is a huge, sprawling world with a hell of a lot of tripwires and trapdoors between you and your customer. There are a lot of things you can do wrong in content marketing, especially compared to the few things that seem right. But to be honest, content marketing is all about finding what works […]

5 Easy Ways To Refresh your Service Pages

Did you know that you’re supposed to refresh and add new content to your web pages every 6 months or so? It’s the best way to keep your content relevant, as well as appeasing the Google gods to improve your search rankings. But when it comes to things like service pages, it can be difficult to work out what you can add – especially if you’re happy with your service pages as they are.

‘What Do I Write About?’ – Idea Generation For Beginners

‘What would I write about anyway’ is the single most common thing I hear when I ask a business owner about blogging. They are convinced there is nothing interesting to say about their industry, or that their customers don’t want to hear it. It’s the one that always baffles me, because there’s always so much […]

Why Does Brand Voice Matter Anyway?

If you’ve been hanging around here a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about brand voice before. Or maybe you’re working with a marketing company that has told you to define yours, but you don’t really know what it is or why you’re doing this strange grown-up homework. So today we’re going to dig into […]

Nickelback Vs Bad Email Marketing

You’ve heard of Nickelback, right? The famous 4-piece rock band from Canada, whose break-out single ‘How You Remind Me’ was the best-selling rock song of the decade in America in 2001? Yeah, you’ve heard of Nickelback. You’ve probably also heard that they are considered a bit of a joke in the music scene. Many people […]

The Anatomy Of Brand Voice

Tone and voice. Verbal branding. Verbal identity. Brand language strategy. If you work in marketing, you’ve probably heard at least one of those terms before, and they all sound very fancy and cool. But they are all essentially saying the same thing. Brand voice. But what is brand voice? And more importantly, what does it […]

What Is Helpful Content, And Why Does Google Want It?

It’s that time of year again folks! Time for Google to roll out another big update and send the whole marketing and SEO world scrabbling to keep up. Ok it’s not that bad really. But Google has once again rolled out a new update to their search algorithm, this time focusing on content and how […]

‘It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities’

– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter